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Book: California Light: A Century of Landscapes: Paintings of the California Art Club - Skira Rizzoli
Book: Masters of Light: Plein-Air Painting in California 1890-1930 - Irvine Museum
Book: Painting Point Reyes - Green Bridge Press
Book: Plein Air Painters of California: The Southland - Westphal
Book: Plein Air Painters of California the North - Westphal Pub
Book: Plein Air Painting in Watercolor (Artists Library Series) - Walter Foster
Book: Robert Clunie Plein-Air Painter of the Sierra - Coons Gallery/Spotted Dog Press, Inc.
Book: The Emma Caites Way - Two Rock Press
Book: Intuitive Painting; a retrospective - Apinchapong Press
Book: David Gallup: Californias Channel Islands - David Gallup
Book: Southwest Art Magazine March 2011 "Creatures Great and Small" - fw media
Book: The Watercolors of John Singer Sargent - University of California Press
Book: Style and Psyche: The Art of Lundy Slegriest and Terry St. John (Perspectives on Creativity) - Hampton Pr
Book: From Sea to Shining Sea: A Reflection of America - Haggin Museum: Stockton, CA
Book: Visions of an Artist - Blurb
Book: The Artworks of John Butler Reynolds - Monica C.R. Gardner
Book: Benjamin Chambers Brown (1865-1942): A chronological and descriptive bibliography - J.A. Walker Bookseller
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